Compassionate Father or Consuming Fire? (2021)


Compassionate Father or Consuming Fire? 

Do you find it difficult to reconcile that the same loving Father who sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins also describes Himself as a "Great Lion" to Judah who will tear them to pieces?

What about the time He let satan take Job's children and all of his earthly possessions, but yet the apostle John calls God "Love"?

Most people would agree that the God that is described in the New Testament is more palpable than a God who permissively brings judgement on others, the God often described in the Old Testament.

In this quick read, Dr. Michael Brown takes a detailed look at the infamous story of Job to let God Himself answer the question"How can a God who allows sickness and disease and describes Himself as the one who causes disaster" be the same God who loves us?



In the Old Testament, Moses declared to a nation in sin:
"The LORD will strike you with madness, blindness and dismay" (Deuteronomy 28:28).

But in the New Testament, John said: "God is Love"(1 John 4:8).

God said to disobedient Israel: "Even if they bear children, I will bereave them of everyone" (Hosea 9:12).

Yet Paul said of this same God: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort" (2 Corinthians 1:3).


How can these things be?

Is the God of the Old Testament really the same as the God of the New Testament?

Can a good God take credit for such bad things? For many years, believers have wrestled with these very problems.

Finally a "solution" was found:  It was claimed that, according to the Hebrew language, God only permitted these things to happen... without actually doing them Himself.

Yet as widely as this theory is taught, it simply is not true...

In actual fact, according to the Hebrew Old Testament, God took full responsibility for everything that happened. How can this be?


In a fascinating and eye-opening book, Dr. Michael L. Brown tackles this question head on - also providing new insights to the Book of Job - while at the same time expanding the horizons of faith and authority for the New Testament believer.


New hardcover edition (2021)

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